I have not received my order?

Please contact our customer care team from 9am-10pm on our WhatsApp number 97333919776, [email protected].
All our orders are delivered either Same Day or Next Day, depending on the time of order, your delivery location and the items you have selected. Please see our Shipping Policy and Terms and Conditions for more information.

How much time it takes for delivery & shipping?

Delivery in Bahrain usually takes up to 24h after accept order, shipping to GCC countries takes up to 7 working days.

How to make an order?

Simply, add all products you want to shopping cart, follow checkout steps and place your order!

Is cash on delivery available?

Cash on delivery is not available for GCC Countries, only for Bahrain customers currently.

I have received a wrong or damaged item

In this unlikely situation, please visit the Contact Us section and reach out either through WhatsApp 0097333919776 for instant support or send an email to [email protected]. Please be sure to include your order number, the wrong or damaged item name and number and attach a picture of the item. Our team will look into your request and get back to you within 2-3 days.

I have a missing item in my order

For any missing items in your order, please visit the Contact Us section and reach out through WhatsApp 0097333919776 for instant support or send an email to [email protected] with your order number, the missing item’s name and number. Our team will look into your request and get back to you in 2-3 days.

Is there a cost for duties and tax?

No, Trendi Land covers all duties and customs taxes.
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